Friday, November 20, 2009

Yesterday I posted a video of Senator Lindsay Graham grilling attorney General Eric Holder on his decision to try enemy combatants in civilian courts, Graham asked Mr. Holder if Osama Bin Ladin where captured would he be given the constitutional protections that american citizens enjoy, such as miranda warnings and an attorney before having to submit to questioning, Holder was perplexed by this question and really did not know how to answer it.

Here are a couple of our illustrious legislators answering the same question.

So Nancy Pelosi doesn't want to think about answering such a question, after all the speaker views the rule of law as such a secondary thing. Senator Leahy, believes we have so much evidence against Bin laden that miranda or interrogation is unnecessary. This is more or less the same argument Holder tried to mount yesterday. This is absolutely absurd, first are we to assume that regardless of guilt an interrogation of Bin Laden is unnecessary, Senator Leahy or the Attorney General is not the least bit curious about information Bin laden may have regarding additional terror cells, plans for future terror attacks, the details of the terror networks finances, connections to countries like Iran. That's just the tip of the Ice berg. But these government officials are also missing the real problem with this fiasco, we will now be setting precedent that the courts or the government can arbitrarily decide who deserves constitutional protections. The constitution was structured to protect the individual from a government that would conduct such a kangaroo court.

Anthony D Dolpies

A Leviathan of Land: Perspective on the

Size of the US Gov’t In Pictures

With the takeover of health care and frenzied government growth front and center, many are wondering when we will - if we haven’t already - reached a tipping point that fundamentally alters America. Much of what’s been done is described as a temporary fix. However, as President Reagan noted, “There is nothing so permanent as a temporary government program.”

With this reinvigorated discussion of how big is too big, it is worthwhile to remind Americans of just how massive the Federal government already was before our current woes began. There are few more striking measures of the government’s size than the land mass of the Federal estate. The vast majority of federal lands fall within one of four agencies: the Interior Department’s Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service and US Fish and Wildlife Service and the Department of Agriculture’s US Forest Service. At over 258 million acres, the Bureau of Land Management alone is bigger than France and Germany combined. When combined with the other aforementioned agencies, the land area is equal that of ten European nations as shown in the accompanying graph (click it to see a larger version).

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