So according to Tina Brown, whoever that is, the reason why thousands of people are camping out overnight in freezing temperatures to see Sarah Palin and buy her book, the reason why people seem to feel so closely connected and supportive of the former governor is because the American people are dumb, and we have finally found a politician who is as stupid as we are.
The real reason why the media is scared of Palin is because she is self made. People weren't lined up for blocks to get a glimpse of Barack Obama when he published his two autobiographies, nobody really knew who Obama was until the media latched onto him during the 2008 campaign and began carrying the water for him.
Obama is a creation of the media, an empty suit propped up by glamorous and supportive coverage. The mainstream media credibility is directly linked to Obama's success or failure and they can't afford his failure. Now that the American people are seeing the real Barack Obama and the disaster that his Presidency they are rejecting him.
Sarah Palin is the complete opposite, the media did not create Palin, therefore they cannot destroy her, no matter how hard they try.
Anthony D Dolpies
Obama wasn't done with his bow to the Japanese Emperor, he went on to China and bowed before the Chinese premier Wen Jiabao
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