Friday, November 13, 2009

This is Senator Daniel Akaka trying to explain where congress gets the authority to force Americans to buy health insurance.

This is absolutely frightening. If I understand the Senator correctly, he is basically saying that the constitution, in his opinion is meaningless, that the only thing that really matters when it comes to making law is if that law has good intentions. Therefore there are no limits to the governments power as long as it's intentions are supposedly benign. He also argues that these penalties are for the benefit of those who do not have access to insurance. This is a ridiculous argument, one individual is not responsible for another not having health insurance.

This is the concept that some individuals have more rites than others or that one individuals liberty can be legitimately sacrificed for the benefit of whatever group congress determines. This logic is completely foreign to the countries founding principles and will only place this nation on a path of tyranny and outright oppression.

Anthony D Dolpies

Check out this video of Rachael Maddow tying herself in pretzel knots to make the argument that the Fort Hood shooting was not terrorism.

This would be funny if it were not so sad

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