Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dede bails out

Liberal Republican Dede Scozzafava dropped out of the NY district 23 congressional race today, citing dwindling poll numbers. Scozzafava's withdrawel bolsters the chances of conservative candidate, Doug Hoffman. Tea Party organizers have been an essential part of Doug Hoffmans candidacy on both the fundraising and organizational fronts.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

House health bill ceremony closed to public


This video was the winner at for the best ad in favor of obamacare, you really need to see what the left considers a great commercial, and even more, what they think of the American flag.

There is something incrediblely creepy about the way Hollywood as sold its soul to the Obama administration, whether it's Ashton Kutcher who has pledged to be Obama's servant, Jeneane Garofalo erupting into angry tirades in defence of incompetency, or this latest tidbit from Edward Norton extolling the regular folkness of the First couple. Couple that with the chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts comparing Obama to Julius Caeser. It would seem that all these artsie types, who I'm sure fancy themselves independent thinkers, are walking firmly in lockstep.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lieberman: I'll block vote on Reid plan

The Connecticut independent says he opposes any sort of public option, even with an opt-out provision

Obama Loves this guy

3 hours ago

Obama: Grayson an 'outstanding' congressman

This isn’t the first time the W.H. has given a boost to Grayson’s reelection prospects. See also: Grayson goes too far for colleagues

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Deconstructing Platitudes, #1 In A Series

There is seemingly nothing President Obama likes better than giving a speech. Unfortunately not many folks in the mainstream media seem to take anytime analyzing anything the President actually says, they seem to have volunteered themselves as stenographers as opposed to reporters, so in the absence of journalism I figure it is my civic duty to pick up the slack. I’ve actually been doing this for quite sometime but I have only recently committed to the title.

President Obama payed a visit to MIT this past Friday to give a speech about climate change. The timing of this appearance is a bit suspect, considering the Presidents views on climate change are well documented, but I doubt it has anything to do with the administration’s announcement later in the same day about how the President probably would not be attending the much heralded global waste of time, oh excuse me, I mean global climate summit in Copenhagen.

One thing you will notice is that the President was trying to play it relatively safe at MIT. This speech was also minus the usual plethora of first person pronouns.

“Dr. Moniz is also the Director of MIT’s Energy Initiative, called MITEI. And he and President Hockfield just showed me some of the extraordinary energy research being conducted at this institute: windows that generate electricity by directing light to solar cells; light-weight, high-power batteries that aren’t built, but are grown — that was neat stuff; engineering viruses to create — to create batteries; more efficient lighting systems that rely on nanotechnology; innovative engineering that will make it possible for offshore wind power plants to deliver electricity even when the air is still.”

Sounds really cool. It also sounds really expensive.

“And it’s a reminder that all of you are heirs to a legacy of innovation — not just here but across America — that has improved our health and our well-being and helped us achieve unparalleled prosperity. I was telling John and Deval on the ride over here, you just get excited being here and seeing these extraordinary young people and the extraordinary leadership of Professor Hockfield because it taps into something essential about America — it’s the legacy of daring men and women who put their talents and their efforts into the pursuit of discovery. And it’s the legacy of a nation that supported those intrepid few willing to take risks on an idea that might fail — but might also change the world.”

The President is exactly right about this, it is American innovation that has allowed not only America to prosper but just about all of western civilization. This is the most flattering statement about America the President has made in quite sometime, but Obama is a collectivist he doesn’t believe in the American ideal of individual achievement. He believes in the sacrifice of personal ambition in the name of the state or what he would call “public interest.” Which is why this seemingly innocuous paragraph exposes the weakness in Obama’s own political philosophy.
The great innovators and inventors throughout American history did not take chances or dedicate their lives to the purpose of advancing the U.S. economy, they were driven by their own self interest, even if someone believes that their fruition of their ideas will make society a better place, the engine of their determination was that a better society is advantageous to their own survival, they where not mandated by the state to reach some politically expedient goal.
Which leads us to where the President goes off the tracks,

“That’s why the Recovery Act that we passed back in January makes the largest investment in clean energy in history, not just to help end this recession, but to lay a new foundation for lasting prosperity. The Recovery Act includes $80 billion to put tens of thousands of Americans to work developing new battery technologies for hybrid vehicles; modernizing the electric grid; making our homes and businesses more energy efficient; doubling our capacity to generate renewable electricity. These are creating private-sector jobs weatherizing homes; manufacturing cars and trucks; upgrading to smart electric meters; installing solar panels; assembling wind turbines; building new facilities and factories and laboratories all across America.”

And this is exactly why the stimulus is a failure, these technologies are currently impractical, this is not to say they will always be, but at the moment they need huge government subsidies just to be somewhat competitive with proven energy technologies, this steals money from other areas of the private sector that could have immediate benefit to the economy, I have nothing against alternative energies but the funding for research should be left largely to the private sector, good ideas don’t need government subsidies.

The President then gets a bit defensive;

“The naysayers, the folks who would pretend that this is not an issue, they are being marginalized.”

They are? Has the President been paying attention to the trend of public sentiment on this issue? Bottom line, skeptics are more prevalent than ever, the only one in denial here seems to be the President himself.

“ There are those who will suggest that moving toward clean energy will destroy our economy — when it’s the system we currently have that endangers our prosperity and prevents us from creating millions of new jobs.”

This is a straw man argument, no one suggests that moving toward clean energy will destroy our economy, only that cutting off access to proven resources through legislative stonewalling and massive taxation will. There have been more than 200 significant oil and natural gas discoveries this year alone, many right here on U.S. territory, the technology to extract these resources is highly advanced and environmentally safe, there is no reason to stop development of current resources while researching alternatives.

He then spoke a little about the Global scene;

"From China to India, from Japan to Germany, nations everywhere are racing to develop new ways to produce and use energy,"

China and India!? China and India have already rejected the notion of accepting any global emission standards, even more recently China publically rejected the whole premise of man-made climate change and both countries open multiple coal fired power plants every month, the only race they are in is to provide electricity to the tens of millions of people in those countries who currently live their lives in darkness, And wind farms ain’t gettin it done. The Japanese have focused their sights on nuclear innovation which is a powerful and clean energy source that for some reason is a hex sign to American environmentalists. Either way it is difficult to grasp what the president was trying to accomplish with this speech, it had a very pre presidential campaign feel, and overall it was a colossal waste of time.

Anthony D Dolpies

Top Senate Democrats are reportedly close to a deal on health care legislation and could submit the bill to the Congressional Budget Office for a cost estimate as soon as today, and make the legislation public as soon as Tuesday.

Contrary to leftist rhetoric, the Associated Press reports that health insurer profits are “anemic compared with other forms of insurance and a broad array of industries, even some beleaguered ones.”

Health insurers are poised to reap huge profits when Obamacare passes thanks to mandates forcing Americans to buy health insurance and federal subsidies to help them do so.

According to Gallup, 40% of Americans now identify themselves as conservative compared to 36% who call themselves moderate and only 20% who say they are liberal. Independents are the fastest growing group of conservatives.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Compensation Questions

Barack Obama attended a Democrat fundraiser this week in which the POTUS raked in about 3Million bucks, thanks to the ritzy attendees who forked over 30 Grand a plate. Bailout recipients, like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and J.P. Morgan Chase were all in attendance. Now isn't that something, The Pres has a problem with the way these companies pay their executives but no problem with them using those taxpayer funds to donate to a partisan fundraiser.

Anthony D Dolpies

"So-called Founders"

Obama and the Constitution; He Has His Doubts

Posted By Michael Ledeen On October 21, 2009 @ 6:46 pm In Uncategorized

I missed this first time around. Brian Lancaster at Jumping in Pools [1] reported on Obama’s college thesis, written when he was at Columbia. The paper was called “Aristocracy Reborn,” and in the first ten pages (which were all that reporter Joe Klein–who wrote about it for Time–was permitted to see), the young Obama wrote:

“… the Constitution allows for many things, but what it does not allow is the most revealing. The so-called Founders did not allow for economic freedom. While political freedom is supposedly a cornerstone of the document, the distribution of wealth is not even mentioned. While many believed that the new Constitution gave them liberty, it instead fitted them with the shackles of hypocrisy.”

That’s quite an indictment, even for an Ivy League undergraduate. I wonder if the prof–and I’d like to know who the prof was–made an appropriate marginal comment, something about historical context, about the Constitution’s revolutionary status in the history of freedom, and about the separation of powers in order to make the creation of any “shackles” as difficult as possible.

Maybe instead of fuming about words that Rush Limbaugh never uttered, the paladins of the free press might ask the president about words that he did write. Maybe he’d like to parse “the so-called Founders,” for example. I’d like to know what he thinks of those words today. And what about the rest of the thesis?


My opinion; The Above quote cannot be verified, it is important that I point that out,

Even tho this quote may not be accurate, Obama did give this interview in 2001

I actually addressed this back in May of this year I will post the article below. This shows an extreme lack of intellectual curiosity or outright intellectual dishonesty, simply for the fact the founders addresses the subject of wealth distribution at length and I call attention to this in my article. Most importantly how can someone who is so ardently opposed to the constitution and the founding principles be trusted to fulfill his oath to protect and defend them.

Barack Obama, The Anti-founder

This article was written on May 7th 2009

New York Times magazines published an interview in which President Obama claimed that "Wall Street will no longer play a dominant role in our economy." He also stated that lower salaries on a wall street as a result of regulation imposed by his administration are in fact a "healthy thing." His logic is that it will drive talented workers into different and in his opinion more noble professions. True, but aside from the arrogant assumption that the United States will be following his economic blueprint for time eternal, I’ve learned to Expect that level of conceit from this man, what was even more disturbing was this statement; "We don’t want every college grad with an aptitude for mathematics to become a derivative’s trader. We want some of them to go into engineering, and we want some of them to be going into computer design." First, I would love to ask the president, who is we, exactly? What I do know is when Obama says we he is not talking about you and me.

Like all of Obama’s focused grouped statements, this seems innocent enough on the surface.After all who would have a problem with their son or daughter becoming a scientist or engineer. But just because someone has an "aptitude" for math doesn’t mean they mean they will seek a career in one of these fields, and even if they do it doesn’t mean that they will end up in that profession. People for the most part don’t aspire to be wall street traders when they grow up then settle into a career in engineering. In fact it is usually just the opposite, and to go one further if someone did have a passion for science or engineering that person could fund an endowment with some of those evil wall street profits, in turn benefitting society many times over.

The Reality is that draconian government regulation and statist attempts to mandate demand only create more of the bubble and burst economic events that Obama is claims he is trying to stamp out. This approach will also drive down salaries overall. The laws of economic are a lot like the laws of gravity, absolute. If workers migrate from one profession, because of diminished salaries, that creates a surplus of workers else ware in the market, Therefore, driving down wages.

When Barack Obama speaks in terms of we, he really means I, and even more he means government. Obama is the quintessential Marxist, he believes that it is governments role to determine the winners and losers of society. In every way Barack Obama is the anti founder. In his own words he views the constitution as a flawed document of negative rights. He rejects the limitations it places on centralized government, and he faults the founders for not addressing "economic justice." Economic justice is the Marxist euphemism for wealth redistribution. But as much as Obama Wraps himself in hope and change, his ideas are old and stale.

The founders recognized his type long ago. It was Samuel Adams who said this; " The utopian schemes of leveling and a community of goods, are as visionary and impractical as those which vest all property in the crown. These ideas are arbitrary, despotic, and in our government unconstitutional." The founders were intent on preserving the natural rights of man, and not the distribution of "economic justice", which is by definition arbitrary and subject to rationing. The founders did not believe rights were the governments to distribute. Obama believes rights are the provinces of the state, to be rationed as he sees fit.

Obama loves to speak of equality. The founders addressed this as well. Ben Franklin often wrote that kingly government seizes power under the illusion that it will somehow establish equality among citizens, and it was John Adams who said "That all men are born with equal right is true. But to teach that all men are born with equal powers and faculties, to equal influence in society, to equal property and advantages through life is as gross a fraud, as glaring an imposition on the credulity of the people as was ever practiced." The founders new that men who made false promises of equality would only lead the nation toward tyranny.

President Obama is walking briskly down that despotic road, by arbitrating the recent Chrysler bankruptcy he exceeded the bounds of the executive and assumed the role of the courts. He has shown a complete disregard of fiduciary law. He deploys the Treasury Department as a means to reward his political allies, by encroaching further and further on private property and industry. With this style of governing you always need fresh domestic bogeymen to trot out in front of the public. Eventually he will have none left to blame.

Anthony D Dolpies

Where is The Authority?

Members of Congress were recently asked where congress gets the authority to force Americans to buy insurance. And as yet none really seems to have an answer, Rep. Steny Hoyer claims congress has broad authority under the general welfare clause, “Well, in promoting the general welfare the Constitution obviously gives broad authority to Congress to effect that end,” But this is wrong congress' authority is clearly defined in the enumerated powers, The general welfare is also defined by the constitution, if congress had such broad authority why would the framers have specifically defined the powers of congress, the enumerated powers would be meaningless because congress could do whatever they wanted as long as they thought it was the right thing to do.

Thursday, October 22, 2009 And Its Soviet Similarities

USSR, 1959: I am a "young pioneer" in school. History classes remind us that there is a higher authority than their parents and teachers: the leaders of the Communist Party.

The story of young pioneer Pavlik Morozov is required reading. Pavlik reported his father to the secret police for disobeying government regulations. His life exemplified the duty of all good Soviet citizens to serve their government.

From the first year in school, all of us are made aware of our ethnicity (ethnic Russian, Jewish, Asian, etc.) and class (proletariat, intelligentsia), around which society is structured. This inherent divisiveness makes it easy for the government to stir ethnic and class tension and in this way distract from economic failure.

Newspapers and TV transmit government-approved news. Any critical voice is immediately suppressed and publicly denounced.

My parents, as all citizens of the USSR, work for state-run companies. All workers are unionized — another way the state controls the citizens. There is no private enterprise in USSR.

Whatever small private farms or shops that existed before 1930 have been taken over by the state. All medical care and schools are state entities. The government regulates what kind of technology, service and compensation are allowed.

From school age through adulthood, citizens are called to public service four to five times a year. Activities such as farming, cleaning places of work, and paper/metal scrap collections are mandatory.

Religious symbols are forbidden in schools or on state property. Most old religious buildings are transformed for secular use.

The Soviet government imposes the Iron Curtain. The state has strict control over our ability to travel abroad. This prevents us from realizing the discrepancy between the media's image of the great socialist country and the reality of our low standard of living.

USA, 2009: "Progressives" control the government. Children in some public schools sing songs about the president and study his directives.

Progressives view people not as unique individuals, but as groups. They play on class envy, or divide people by ethnicity (African-American, white, Hispanic, etc.). From early childhood they remind children of their ethnic identity. The idea of a color-blind society united under the American flag is not politically correct.

The mainstream media are aligned with the government. Those media outlets critical of government policy are publicly criticized by government officials and are in danger of suffering repercussions.

Government seizes a majority stake in two major auto companies and, through TARP money, has control over major banks. Congress discusses capping salaries in private businesses and is in the process of increasing its control over the health care industry.

Big labor union leadership is fully aligned with the progressives in government. There is strong pressure to eliminate the secret ballot in order to increase union membership.

Cap-and-trade, if passed, will drive a lot of small businesses into bankruptcy and create a fruitful soil for favoritism and government control over private entities.

Sept. 11 is declared a day of national service by the administration. It is no longer a day of remembrance for the horrific attack perpetrated by terrorists.

The American Constitution protects the separation between church and state. Atheist zealots pervert this ideal in order to force out religious symbols and traditions from public space. It is fashionable in progressive circles to ridicule religion and religious people. "Tolerance" is applied only to anti-religious values.

As a former citizen of the USSR, I heard and experienced all of this before. I listen to the speeches by the president asking people to sacrifice and serve. So what are we to sacrifice? For what? And to whom? I think I get it now.

Citizens of America, sacrifice your elders and forget your selfish aspirations of prosperity for yourself and your family! Sign onto and serve your government!

• Kunin lived in the Soviet Union until 1980 and now lives in Connecticut. She wrote "The Perspective of a Russian Immigrant" that ran on the op-ed page Sept. 8-11.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Obama's Real Vision of Change, Part Two, Scarcity

Like all demagogues Obama wraps his true agenda in soaring rhetoric and over generalizations, but when you look behind the dark vale of vague platitudes about individual sacrifice for the greater good, you begin to see the real vision Obama is offering to America, very simply it is one of scarcity. Wether it is scarcity of jobs, which according to the media, we must accept as the new norm, scarcity of resources, Obama chastises us for using too much of the world’s resources in relation to our population, therefore we must sign global treaties and pass domestic legislation, it does not matter if the resources we use power the engine of the global economy America must atone for our immorality and excesses.

We must accept higher taxation in every area of life, whether it is energy or health care, It doesn’t matter that all taxation regardless of its target only leads to less profit, less profit leads to lower wages and fewer jobs, which means less disposable income and a lower standard of living, Obama wills that we must make these sacrifices for the global collective. This is the common theme of any Obama speech, the individual must sacrifice his ambitions and liberty, he must hitch his wagon to a larger purpose, the greater good. Not only is this a common theme for Obama but it is the common theme of every authoritarian regime to scar the history of humanity. And like the oppressed populations of those regimes Americans must now accept scarcity as the rule. This is Obama’s real vision of change.

Anthony D Dolpies



Financial Giants Donating Little to Obama Party

The Wall St. giants that got a financial lifeline from Washington are reluctant to deliver “thank you” gifts to President Obama and Democrats in the form of political donations.

Higher jobless rates could be new normal

AP – Mon Oct 19, 2:29 pm ET
FILE - In this March 5, 2009 file photo, job seekers join a line...

WASHINGTON - Even with an economic revival, many U.S. jobs lost during the recession may be gone forever and a weak employment market could linger for years.

Big Wall Street bonuses "offensive": Obama aide

Reuters – Sun Oct 18, 2:05 pm ET
White House Senior Advisor David Axelrod makes a point during...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A top White House aide lashed out on Sunday at Wall Street firms that are handing out huge bonuses while the rest of the economy struggles and small businesses cannot create jobs because of a lack of credit.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Finance Committee bill has been filed


Dear Concerned American,

The great pay-back has begun, and it's going to be ugly.

The gun grabbers in Congress are paying back the anti-gun extremists who put them and Barack Obama in office.

Hi, this is Congressman Paul Broun from Georgia. I wish I had better news, but you and I are facing an assault on our gun rights like we’ve never seen before.

You see, H.R. 45 is Barack Obama’s gun control package, and it includes the most vile anti-gun measures he’s supported over the years.

It's only the first step...

...but it's a HUGE step.

H.R. 45 establishes a NATIONAL gun registry database of every gun and its owner -- for the whole county! Your private information and every gun you own would be in the system.

But that’s only if you succeed in buying a gun in the first place!

And since H.R. 45 dramatically increases requirements for firearms purchases far beyond those ever proposed, you just might find youself incapable of buying a firearm once this bill takes effect.

And it gets worse too.

The National Association for Gun Rights has a survey ready for you to complete, but I want you to understand just how dangerous this bill is before I give you the link. Please bear with me for a moment.

You see, H.R. 45 would establish a national gun registry database which would:
  • Increase requirements for firearms purchases, far beyond those ever proposed.

  • Create a national firearms registry overseen by the Federal Government.

  • Invoke Draconian penalties for bookkeeping errors related to the Federal Firearms Database.
It gets worse though.

Sarah Brady and her allies in Congress want to force you to take a written exam to prove that you are "fit" to exercise your Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms.

I'm outraged by this, and I know you are too.

I'm sure I don't have to tell you that gun registration has historically laid the groundwork for total firearm confiscation. Citizen disarmament is the watchword of tyrants everywhere.

In fact, the most brutal dictators of the last century were famous for their gun registration and confiscation schemes.

But H.R. 45, Obama's National Gun Registry and Citizen Disarmament Act, is more than just a forced registration of all firearms in America.

The bill also makes it increasingly difficult to buy a gun in the first place.

Taken right out of Sarah Brady's Christmas wish list, H.R. 45 includes a laundry list of new restrictions on firearms purchases.

In addition to the outrageous national gun registration requirement, H.R. 45 also requires you to:
  • Pass a written examination to purchase a firearm.

  • Release your medical records -- including confidential mental health records -- to the government to get your "fitness" to own a firearm approved.

  • Observe a two-day waiting period before all firearms purchases.

  • Pay a gun tax of $25 or more on all firearm purchases.
Moreover, H.R. 45 bans all private firearms sales and maximizes penalties for minor clerical errors in dealing with the national gun registry.

The list goes on and on. It's enough to turn your stomach.

I know I don't have to tell you, but these restrictions make a mockery of the Constitution. "The Right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed" might as well say: "You have no rights."

If a two-day waiting period, a written exam and a gun tax aren't infringing our rights, I don't know what is!

Even the Supreme Court’s recent Heller decision guaranteeing an individual’s right to own a firearm doesn’t hamper Barack Obama’s agenda one bit.

In fact, it emboldens gun grabbers to pass legislation taxing ammunition, increasing registration requirements, and drastically limiting when, how and where you can use your firearm.

That’s why I’ve decided to stand with the National Association for Gun Rights fight back against this radical scheme. They're fully committed to stopping the efforts of the gun grabbers, but they need the help of grassroots gun owners like you.

With liberals calling the shots in Washington, all supporters of the Second Amendment must join together, draw a line in the sand, and fight this battle to the end.

We must make this gun-grab expensive and politically painful for the enemies of freedom. If we do, they'll flinch ... and LOSE.

By mobilizing hundreds of thousands of grassroots gun owners across the country, the National Association for Gun Rights can put anti-gun politicians on the hot seat.

Are you opposed to national gun registration?

Are you opposed to a written examination to buy a gun?

Are you opposed to a new $25 gun tax?

Are you opposed to a total ban on private firearm sales?

If you said "Yes" to these questions, click here to fill out a special survey the National Association for Gun Rights has prepared for you.

Your survey will put you squarely on the record AGAINST Barack Obama’s gun control package.

Stopping un-Constitutional gun control bills like H.R. 45 may be NAGR’s top priority, but they need your help.

Along with your signed survey, please send the National Association for Gun Rights a generous contribution to help finance this battle. You will have the opportunity to donate right after you fill out the survey.

The truth is, H.R. 45 is just the tip of the iceberg.

Sarah Brady and her cohorts in Congress now have the support of a willing White House and won't stop until they've reached their ultimate goal: A virtual ban on private, individual firearm ownership.

That is why NAGR simply must hear from you immediately.

Please take a moment to fill out NAGR's H.R. 45 survey, and, if at all possible, send a contribution of $200, $150, $100 or maybe just $25 to help the National Association for Gun Rights fight H.R. 45 and Sarah Brady's gun control wish list.

I know this is a lot to ask, but inaction could very well lead to defeat and the loss of our right to keep and bear arms.

Whether you can afford $200 or a lesser amount of $50 or $25, please contribute what you can.

It's critical we do all we can.

Thank you in advance for contributing your time and money towards defending our Second Amendment rights.

For Freedom and Liberty,

Paul Broun
U.S. Congressman (R-GA)
National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. The anti-gun extremists who helped put Obama in power are itching for pay-back -- and here it comes.
H.R. 45 is the most sweeping gun control proposal ever offered in America. And under this administration, it might just pass -- so please act today!

Friday, October 16, 2009

A previously undisclosed April 15 meeting at the offices of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee between corporate lobbyists, aides to President Barack Obama and Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) helped set in motion a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign, primarily financed by industry groups in favor of Obamacare.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More TARP, more bailouts

H.R. 3766:
111th Congress
Main Street TARP Act of 2009

To use amounts made available under the Troubled Assets Relief Program of the Secretary of the Treasury for relief for homeowners and affordable rental housing.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Obamacare Invades Your Wallet

This Morning Bell is the first in a five-part week-long series on how Obamacare will affect you.

Throughout his campaign, and even in to the first few months in office, President Barack Obama repeatedly promised the American people that his health care plan would reduce their health insurance premiums by $2,500 a year. It has been a while since President Obama made that promise, and any honest look at the health legislation being considered in Congress explains why.

The Senate Finance Committee bill written by Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) (the Baucus bill) first drives up the cost of health insurance for all Americans and then forces everyone to buy it or face tax penalties or jail time. While the Baucus bill does cap out-of-pocket costs based on a person’s income, the effect on American families is still staggering. According to the Center for Data Analysis, the Baucus bill would:

And those numbers include the subsidies for health insurance in the Baucus bill. To pay for all this new health care spending, plus the massive expansion of Medicaid, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that the Baucus bill will collect $4 billion in fines from those who do not purchase insurance, $200 billion taxing health insurance companies with generous health plans, and $25 billion in taxes on employers. Not to mention the billions in cuts to Medicare payments to hospitals which will result in significant cost shifting to consumers.

PricewaterhouseCoopers has done a study on what all these new taxes and regulations will do to Americans health insurance premiums and the results are not pretty. Instead of reducing the average family’s health insurance premiums by $2,500 per year, as President Obama promised, the Baucus bill would actually raise them by $4,000 more than they would have been without reform.

The Baucus bill spends at least $1 trillion, fails to cover all Americans, taxes employers for creating jobs, and inflicts higher out-of-pocket health care costs on all Americans. We can do better.

Dollar facing 'power-shift': analysts

Gore upbeat on climate bill banks flush with record reserves are increasingly snubbing dollars in favor of euros and yen, further pressuring the greenback after its biggest two- quarter rout in almost two decades.