Monday, September 14, 2009

Warning Shot

The network media and the political class tried to laugh off a juggernaut, they believed, no, they hoped, that the tea party movement would just fizzle out. They tried to ridicule and marginalize the American people, who are fed up with the actions of their government. They thought they could suppress this movement by labeling it’s people Nazi’s, racist and extremist, they tried to intimidate the people into silence and coerce them into non-participation, attempting to pack the audiences of town hall meetings with SEIU thugs and miscreants bussed in by criminal organizations like ACORN and Organizing for America, groups who’s only real goal is the corruption of civil society.

The President, instead of embracing this great moment scurried off into the arms of sycophants, like a coward, hiding behind his bully pulpit, he has chosen to pit his will against ours. But the American people will not now nor ever bow to the will or whims of those who seek to steal our liberty.

Despite these attempts The Tea Party movement has only gained momentum, it has gained unstoppable strength, the nearly two million American citizens who marched on Washington D.C. on September 12th 2009 was a mere fraction of our numbers and we have sent a warning shot across the bow of tyranny.

Anthony D Dolpies

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