To the Congress of The United States
Two-hundred and thirty-three years ago the founding fathers of this nation established a framework for civil society unprecedented in human history, a government based on self evident truth, the unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, A representative republic which derives its authority not by coercion but consent, a government justified in one role, its only function, protecting the individual natural rights of man.
It is upon this foundation, that this petition has been laid and garners its legitimacy. Our representative system has been overtaken by the unelected overgrowth of an administrative state. The government as it operates today has become destructive to the liberty of the citizen.
You have ceded your constitutionally assigned legislative authority, allowing a bloated administrative bureaucracy to dictate policy and levy taxes under the guise of administrative fees outside of normal public input or consent.
You have, through convoluted interpretations of various clauses, ignored and perverted the intent of our constitution, radically expanding the power of the federal government.
You have infringed on our natural right of free speech and assembly by establishing "free speech zones" as a way of containing dissent.
You have infringed on our right of self defense, using the commerce clause to levy federal taxes and regulations on ammunition and arms
You have trampled the Tenth amendment, undercutting the sovereignty of the individual states, co-opting their budgets with burdensome federally mandated entitlements and passing legislation that allows local lawmakers to disregard the authority of their governors.
You have threatened the civil society by assembling congress like some third world politburo with show trials of private citizens, and by employing unions and community organizations that strong arm certain businesses and institutions into endorsing a political agenda.
You have contributed to the balkenization of this society with a reckless immigration policy that promotes chaos over assimilation.
You have allowed the executive and the Treasury, to confer on themselves the power to seize private property and dictate the affairs of private enterprise.
You have allowed the executive to usurp the power of the citizen and the citizens representative, by appointing commissioners outside of the constitutional process.
You have sought to weaken our system of checks, by confirming justices who incorporate foreign law into their constitutional interpretations.
You have sought to fatigue and discourage the concerned citizen, by hiding insidious law and cronyism among a thousand or more pages of legislation.
You have stifled debate on damaging legislation, limiting debate not on constitutional grounds but the parliamentary games of whoever controls congress.
You have embraced a government eager to limit economic freedom and prosperity, through progressive taxation and draconian mandate. ignoring the fact that individual freedom and economic freedom are inseparable.
You have sought under the guise of security, to concentrate prosperity into the hands of a few chosen bidders, meanwhile sowing the seeds of fascism.
You have been a reckless steward of our currency, outsourcing your authority to coin and regulate the currency to a private institution, without the constitutional authority to do so, saddling future generations with massive debt, jeopardizing their opportunity for prosperity.
You have cast a shadow of illegitimacy on the work and bravery of our military by engaging in prolonged extensive combat operations, without a formal declaration of war.
These abuses are irrefutable. It is also irrefutable that the expansion of government beyond its constitutional function is only conducive to the recession of liberty. A government in a state of constant expansion, must eventually resort to oppression to sustain itself. In the hopes of avoiding this inevitable tyranny, in an effort to reform our republic to its constitutional boundaries, we the people of the United States hereby enter this redress of grievances.
Anthony D Dolpies
Philadelphia, PA
You can sign this petition @
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
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